"...we should pass over all biographies of 'the good and the great,' while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows."
~Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

This week's Link Dump is on the march!

Remembering the victims of a long-ago mining disaster.

A perverted patrolman's revenge.

A dog climbed the Great Pyramid, and everyone is hoping he got down just as safely.

A coded tombstone.

A clandestine marriage minister.

Vintage photos show how much Los Angeles has changed over the years.  And not for the better.

Photographs of a vanished London.

Plants to banish evil.

Margery Kempe, history's weepiest mystic.

The mysterious "Red Deer Cave People."

Rediscovering ancient technology.

Why is the world filled with witches?

Why we can't seem to escape karaoke.

What New Zealanders once thought of Americans.  Maybe this is how they still think of Americans. Don't ask me.

The Great Misery Island.

A visit from the Death Angel.

A tale of a "single man."

The ghosts of Waterloo.

WWI's Attack of the Dead Men.

A swashbuckling soldier's mysterious death.

Mapping the Pacific Northwest.

The discovery of one of the world's oldest Christian churches.

Clairvoyance and the Cottingley fairies.

A lost grave, Ouija boards, and John Waters, all in the same post.

The confessions of a murderer.

The most haunted pubs in York, England.

Harry the life-saving horse.

The long history of the "vanishing hitchhiker."

In which Zelda reviews F. Scott.

A murder case where the butler really did it.

That's a wrap for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at an airline flight that ended in mysterious tragedy.  In the meantime, here's Johnny!

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