"...we should pass over all biographies of 'the good and the great,' while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows."
~Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, June 7, 2024

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

Welcome to the first Link Dump of June 2024!

Wedding season is here!

The incubator baby kidnapping.

The first movie star.

In which a ghost turns matchmaker.  Sort of.

The child who was part human, part Neanderthal.

More evidence that if you should see a UFO, it might be wisest to shut up about it.

A hot 19th century musical instrument.  Really hot.

The mystery of Mount Everest's missing bodies.

A visit to a "medieval marvel."

The "Princess Alice" disaster.

Europe's "fraud of the century."

A new species of dinosaur has been discovered.

Syphilis, a part of the dark side of the Victorian Era.

Paging Graham Hancock: new evidence for a prehistoric comet.

When potash fueled the world.

The executioner of the Nuremberg Trials.

The secret gardens of Spitalfields.

An elopement in Newcastle.

When "pineapple cheese" was a fad.  For some reason.

Two parliamentary impeachments.

A composer's really embarrassing death.

A mother shoots her child's killer.

The travails of a blind orphan.

The Green Children of Woolpit: one of those historical mysteries we'll never solve.

A gruesome unsolved murder.

A fashionable 18th century hairdresser.

The Gaspe Massacre.

A Father's Day reunion.

The "phantom phaeton."

The earliest known carved horse.

A palace made of human blood.

The origins of the word "wuss."

Raffles, the world's most popular burglar.

Russia's Circassian princess.

Murder by bandage-removal.

The story behind a famous Renoir painting.

That's all for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at a remarkably puzzling murder.  In the meantime, here's some Tchaikovsky.


  1. I'm a huge fan of your site, part of my Friday routine. I like the murder mysteries, Neanderthal, archaeology and WWII posts. Today there was a story about the Nuremberg executioner Woods. It turns out he was in my Father's unit at Omaha Beach on D-Day. My Dad was the commanding officer of the 37th Engineer Battalion Beach Group. I recognized the patches on one of the pictures of Woods. He was a private at the time. I found his name on the log of the people on various landing crafts on D-Day.

  2. I'd not heard of Coffin, the Gaspe murderer; a gruesome story. And a sad story about Florence Lawrence: Hollywood was using up and throwing away people right from the start. The 'palace of blood' in Dahomey doesn't surprise me; west African potentates were infamous for their bloody sacrifices. And I wonder if 'wuss' comes from 'worse' or is just a coincidence.


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