"...we should pass over all biographies of 'the good and the great,' while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows."
~Edgar Allan Poe

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Newspaper Clipping of the Day

Via Newspapers.com

“You’ll never go in the water again,” 2.0.  The Greensboro “News and Record,” August 24, 1955:

EVANSVILLE, Ind., Aug 23 (UP) —An Evansville mother has decided that a creature which grabbed her leg while she was swimming was “one of those little green men from a spaceship.” 

Mrs. Darwin Johnson read a newspaper story that a Hopkinsville, Ky., family was visited by the odd-colored creatures.  That to her satisfaction cleared up the mysterious underwater incident in the Ohio River last week. 

Mrs. Johnson had told police a “hairy paw” grabbed her leg while she was swimming near Dogtown. 

"I know it must have been one of those little green men” she said.  “I knew as soon as I read the description from Hopkinsville.” 

The Kentuckians described the green men as three feet tall “with eyes like saucers, hands like claws, and glowing all over.” They said these fellows roamed around their house Sunday night. 

Mrs. Johnson said, “We saw something in the sky coming over from the Kentucky bank just a few minutes before I was grabbed.”


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