"...we should pass over all biographies of 'the good and the great,' while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows."
~Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, January 5, 2024

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

The Strange Company staffers welcome you to the first Link Dump of 2024!

What the hell is the Cerne Abbas Giant?

When the hell did humans start wearing clothes?

Solving a Swiss medical mystery.

A mysterious church in France.

Yet another failed Utopia.

That time a golden cookie was kidnapped for ransom.

That time a British officer arrested a tree.

A famous UFO incident and a deathbed confession.

Pyongyang, Fun Capital of the World.

Sweden's "Icehotel."

Doll houses as grave monuments.

The last day of WWI, literally frozen in time.

In Greenland, they wish you a terrifying New Year.

The skeleton and the ghost farm.

Some New Year's superstitions.

A "low-life femme fatale."

A haunted hiking stopover.

The last woman to be hanged in Pennsylvania.

The five words guaranteed to send terror into the hearts of any Russian:  "Party at Joseph Stalin's house!"

A visit to the Boundary Estate.

Liechtenstein's one film.

The coronation banquet of Elizabeth of York.

The Northwood Murderer.

That's all for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at a simple, but highly successful hoax.  In the meantime, bring on the human waterfalls!


  1. Nothing I read on Stalin comes close to portraying him in a flattering light. What a truly horrific man. Yet there were many in the Soviet leadership of his time who were just as bad. I think on that and tremble! Beria is the one man who would make Himmler seem bearable. And on the subject of would-be gods, Pyongyang sounds like a truly oppressive world of its own. At least the concrete hells of apartments blocks are colourful...

  2. That story about goitres in Switzerland was fascinating!


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