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"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn |
Welcome to the first Link Dump of September 2023!
It's almost time for the first day of school!
Who the hell invented the alphabet?
No, there was never a Papal Toilet Chair, and I know you're as disappointed to hear that as I am.
The baseball player and the Nazi nuclear scientist.
The vocabulary of beer.
Prehistoric hopping hobbits.
America's first ventriloquist.
A tour of Waddesdon Manor.
Shoes may have been worn over 100,000 years ago.
So, when did people start levitating?
A Neolithic village has been discovered in France.
The town that disappeared.
The time capsule that turned into Al Capone's vault.
The Norwegian cheese beloved by South Koreans.
Why science is fascinated by the vagus nerve.
The tradition of "touching the corpse" of a murder victim.
The search for a "lost" royal wedding dress.
America's first mascot.
An ancient dragon made of mussel shells.
The Mormon king of Beaver Island.
Henry VIII's psalter.
How the word "jaywalker" came to be.
Portraits of members of the Franklin Expedition.
What we know about Stone Age burials.
A slave bedroom in Pompeii.
The women behind Magna Carta.
A walk along Britain's oldest road.
The world's most expensive cheese.
There is an "Antarctica accent."
The women of the East India Company.
So maybe we don't understand as much about human origins as we thought.
Ice Age humans may have made Southern California uninhabitable. I live in Southern California, and I can assure you that modern humans are well on track to doing the same thing.
America's first Independence Day celebration.
A "world-first" discovery that you definitely don't want to experience.
Alaska's Island of Feral Cows.
Lahaina's "miracle house."
Nickie, Motorcycle Squad Cat.
A shark sighting in...Idaho?
The world's oldest hotel.
Turncoats in the English Civil Wars.
The Dedham Tragedy.
Why some people eat dirt.
A land fraud that changed American history.
The dog who served on both sides of the American Revolution.
That's all for this week! See you on Monday, when we'll visit a haunted shopping mall. In the meantime, here's a bit of Telemann.
The story of Doveland made me think of the episode of "M*A*S*H", in which Hawkeye creates Captain Tuttle; by the end of the episode everyone seemed to have met and talked to Tuttle, even though they never did. 'Jaywalker', on the other hand, reminded me of 'macaroni', as used in the eighteenth century. It too once referred to a flamboyantly dressed fop - in this instance influenced by exaggerated Italian fashions. Thus, Yankee Doodle Dandy's lyrics...