Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Best of Strange Company 2021


Yes, it's once again time for my annual round-up of the most popular posts from this past year.  As usually seems to happen, most of them are the posts I would least expect, which just shows how much I know about blogging.

Here we go, with the most-read post first:

1. Weekend Link Dump, June 18.  This topped the list by a incredibly wide margin, and for the life of me, I don't know why this particular WLD got so many hits.  Maybe stories about Iron Age chickens are an irresistible draw.

2. Weekend Link Dump, June 25.   Yup, my two biggest blog success stories were WLDs.  Which just confirms the suspicion I've had for some time that most of you would prefer that I just shut up and post nothing but links.

3. The Haunted Tunnel.   Tales from one of America's spookiest places.

4. A Witch Trial and a Shape-Shifting Apparition.  An unusual little ghost story from the 17th century.

5. Murder and Mystery at Wolf Lake.  A case of death and disappearance that, if you read the comments to this post, may well be even more sinister than it seems.

6. The Case of the Time-Traveling Priest.  The "Chronovisor" is one of the weirdest stories I've ever read, and it baffles me that it isn't better known.

7. The Body in Stack Number Nine.  An unidentified person suffers a mysterious--and very gruesome--death.

8. The Coffin of Henry Trigg.  An 18th century man's eccentric resting place.

9. The Haunted Council House.  One of those ghost stories with particularly unsettling details.

10. The Vanishing of Ruth Dorsey.   An Alabama woman's inexplicable disappearance.

And there you have it for 2021!  I hope 2022 will be a festive year full of murders, disappearances, ghosts, and assorted High Strangeness.  Plus, of course, Link Dumps.  Otherwise I may have a riot on my hands,.


  1. "Which just confirms the suspicion I've had for some time that most of you would prefer that I just shut up and post nothing but links."

    Not at all. its just that folks love a buffet.

  2. Firstly, I recall all of these, but for some reason thought they were all from the last couple of months, which confirms my theory that my perception of time is unreliable (it always has been.)

    Secondly, I didn't read until now the comments that followed mine on the Wolf Lake mystery. I checked the profiles of three of those who commented - the ones who insist local law enforcement were involved - and there are no profiles; just anonymous people making anonymous accusations. These, I think, can be ignored. You've recorded plenty of stories featuring shoddy criminal investigations, and few of them were conspiracies, just incompetence.

    Thirdly, I agree with busterggi; I think your insight into and opinions of the stories add much to the blog.

  3. Please continue. I read the articles and do not just 'look at the pictures' Cheers

  4. Agree with the comments above - please don't shut up and just post links!


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