Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Strange Company 2018

Happy New Year! As always on this blog, we close out the year by looking back at Strange Co.'s most read (or, considering the size of my audience, "least unread,") posts. 2018's crop was an eclectic lot, ranging from unsolved murder to wooden households.

1. The Doctor and the Deadly House Call.

I was a bit surprised that this now virtually forgotten murder of a pioneering female doctor made it to the top of this year's list, and by quite a considerable margin.

2. Murder on the Cheap.

An almost comically inept and amateurish bunch of killers...and they pretty much got away with it. There's some sort of moral there.

3. Newspaper Clipping of the Day, February 21.

Puffy the Hypnotist! I'm so pleased this one made the Top Ten.

4. Newspaper Clipping of the Day, May 9.

A lawsuit instigated by an overly chatty Ouija board.

5. The Case of the Woodworked Wife.

William Bennett and his made-to-order family. If you forced me to choose, I'd pick this as my blog's weirdest story to date.

6. The Strange Exit of Donald Kemp.

One of the oddest disappearances on record.

7. The Case of the Vanished Bride.

Mary Shotwell Little provides another particularly peculiar missing-persons case.

8. Newspaper Clipping of the Day, March 21.

A Woman in White nonchalantly tosses her head about.

9. The Admiral Faces a Mutiny.

The technically unsolved poisoning of Joseph Eaton.

10. Mrs. Hingley and the Christmas Martians.

Hands down, my favorite Close Encounter story.

And there you have Strange Company's 2018 Greatest Hits. I hope you'll join me in 2019, with more murder, disappearances, UFOs, and, God willing, more feline mesmerism.

via Newspapers.com

1 comment:

  1. All are very good posts, so I'm not sure why one would be more read than another. I did find the wood-worked family truly bizarre, especially since they were created by a man who did not seem otherwise off-kilter. Anyway, a happy new year to you, the cats and everyone at Strange Company headquarters.


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