Friday, March 1, 2019

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump commemorates poor Susie-Q's terrible, horrible, no good very bad day.

Nina Leen, Life Magazine, 1940

What the hell happened to ancient Angkor?

What the hell happened to MH370?

What the hell was this humpback whale doing in the Amazon rainforest?

What the hell is on the bottom of the Great Blue Hole?

Who the hell was King Arthur?

Watch out for those killer owls!

Watch out for the Red Ghost of Arizona!

Watch out for the flying space dwarves!

Watch out for the Nevada Triangle!

Dead babies, mislaid graves, parakeets, and a faithful cat.  Say hello to Hammersmith Cemetery.

The "female Byron."

The Afterlife's tour guides.

Tips for how to be a successful art thief.

So you're an 18th century girl in need of a job.  Here are your options.

The Countess meets her dream nightmare man.

Elephants on the loose in Queens.

The creepy last message from a creepy murderer.

And the horror film screenplay writes itself.

Archaeology in Iraq during WWII.

Smutty stuff for debauched readers.  Something tells me this will be the most-visited link of the week.

The making of the Black Shuck.

The CIA's Acoustic Kitty.

The secret to schizophrenia may lie not in the head, but in the stomach. 

In other news, Charles Dickens was really quite the piece of work.

It turns out there's such a thing as semi-identical twins.

A surgeon and his artwork.

Faithful dogs from the Georgian era.

Your cup of tea is DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Britain's first heart surgeon.

Reclaiming the swastika.

Norway's forgotten witch.

This week in Russian Weird:  I can't tell you how big a "nope" this is for me.

Yes, they're still looking for Amelia Earhart.

Victorians explain how a lady thanks a stranger.

The saga of the Bat in the Archives.

Exploring a medieval charnel house.

The murderer immortalized by Samuel Pepys.

The Demon of Brownsville Road.

Remembering the woman who was once Hollywood's highest-paid director.

Here's your chance to buy an Irish island.  Complete with cursing stone!

Archaeologists spend a remarkable amount of time studying poop.

Women in the 1920s spent a remarkable amount of time walking on airplane wings.

Growing Syrian tobacco in Bombay.

A very busy poisoner.

Foster parenting in the 19th century.

The hanging of an ungentlemanly lieutenant.

Victorian train travel was not easy.

Romania's oldest stone church.

And, finally, there's this:  just a nice little story.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at a couple's odd disappearance.  In the meantime, here's a bit of Vivaldi:

1 comment:

  1. The article about Arthur is very good. I like it when an author acknowledges what is known - and what is not. I've always favoured the idea that Arthur was a military commander who used Roman tactics against invading Saxons, and was not a king himself. Yet in those days, kingship itself would have been tenuous since Britain was still technically Roman (when history says 'the Romans departed Britain' in the first decade of the fifth century, I think it was just their legions, and perhaps higher officials; the infrastructure and government remained). Kingship may not yet have evolved past regional, self-appointed governors.

    And as for job opportunities open to 18th century girls, all I can say is that there is a greater variety than those open to many people now, in our compartmentalised world - and the pay was probably not much worse...


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