Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Newspaper Clipping of the Day


This story is kind of like "To Serve Man," but in reverse. From the "Windsor Star," July 17, 1962:
La Paz--Indian villagers have the Bolivian government, the United States Embassy and the press puzzled with a tale of a puma which they think arrived in a space capsule.

Manuel Orosco, mayor of the village Ayo-Ayo 40 miles from here, reported to the government that on June 30 a strange metallic object was seen in the sky and appeared to fall into a nearby ravine. The following day a strange animal appeared in the neighborhood, he said. Villagers killed the animal with sticks and stones and ate it.

The U.S. air attache, Col. Paul Wymer, bought the skin. It was later identified as a puma, a big South American cat which is not normally found on the Bolivian high plateau. Orosco, his 20-year-old son Manuel and many other villagers say they saw the flying object. They are convinced that the puma arrived in it and say it seemed tame or perhaps stupefied by the change of climate.

U.S. Ambassador Ben Stephansky asked the Bolivian Air Force to investigate but they found no trace of the "capsule."
So now you know why extraterrestrials haven't made open, direct contact with us. They know we'd just have them for lunch.


  1. Only a fool would risk an interstellar war with a planet of cats.

  2. Is that what's done in Bolivia when the locals find an alien? Kill it and eat it? I know I have quite an appetite, but there are some things at which I would hesitate...


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