Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Strange Company 2017

Welcome to our annual look back at the past year in Strange Company, where I list the Top Ten posts of the past twelve months!

Without any further ado, here is the best--or, at least, most popular--moments from my blog, ranked from top to bottom.  It's an eclectic mix, with something weird for everyone.

1. The Case of the Vanishing Lieutenant.

A Cold War-era mystery that sounds like something from a particularly wacky spy novel.

2. The Wynekoop Mystery.

Did Dr. Alice Wynekoop murder her daughter-in-law?

3. Never Bored:  The Many Wars of Alfred Wintle.

One of the great English eccentrics.

4. The Haunted Mill.

A once-famed early 19th century ghost story.

5. A Revolting and Horrible Affair: The West Twenty-Third Street Murder

The brutal and seemingly senseless killing of financier Benjamin Nathan; one of New York's classic unsolved crimes.

6. In Deep Water: The Last Dive of the Lonergans

A missing-persons case with some unusual elements.

7. Weekend Link Dump, September 8, 2017

I'm not sure why this particular WLD made the cut, but I suppose it's not surprising, as a number of people have told me the Friday link roundup is the only reason they read my blog.  (Maybe not the most tactful way of putting it, guys.)

8. . Book Clipping of the Day, August 30, 2017

In which Robert Kirk learns it's not very wise to dish the dirt on fairies.

9. Magazine Clipping of the Day, September 20, 2017

The mystery of Alice Phillip's unusual epitaph.

10. Newspaper Clipping of the Day, September 6, 2017

The end of an era: the final installment of "Famous Cats of New England."

And thus ends our look back at 2017.  I plan to keep this blog going for at least one more year, so I hope you'll join me for more murders, disappearances, ghosts, and general assorted oddities.

And if the spirits are kind to me, maybe even more talking cats.  See you in 2018!


  1. Thanks for all the great reading, and happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year!
    Looking forward to 2018 and (fingers crossed) more talking cats.

  3. Thanks for all your wonderful posts! I don't comment much, but I come here often. Since you love cats, I thought you'd enjoy this Auld Lang Syne by the cats themselves:

  4. For my thinking, nothing can beat Alfred Wintle’s story. He was someone whom you wouldn’t want to go up against but - wouldn’t want on your side, either…

    A happy new year to you, Undine. Thank you for bringing us the weird and wonderful throughout 2017. Yours is one of the most entertaining blogs going. The idea that you may not continue it past 2018 is startling, but I will be entertained for at least one more year! Aside from the macabre and crazy, I hope this year brings you joy and peace.

  5. Your blog is amazing. I cant recall how many times I have received inspiration from it for topics for our show. I visit it every week. Keep up the excellent work! -Roe-


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