Friday, February 3, 2023

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

This week's Link Dump is hosted by two of the best-dressed cats you'll see all day.

What the hell were the gnomes of Wollaton Park?

How the hell did Amy Robsart die?

Who the hell was the Tylenol Killer?

A unique underwater "lost city."

The dark side of 19th century education.

Egypt's oldest known gold-covered mummy has just been found.

A tribute to the Wife of Bath.

The memorial to Street Cat Bob.

The real-life "Ophelia."  And it nearly killed her.

A 350-year-old manuscript has finally been decoded.

The mystery of ancient rock-cut caves in India.

In which we learn that Rihanna's music is played in Hell, and I for one am not surprised.

Intelligence gathering in the Heart of Arabia, 1918.

Stephen Hopkins' many misadventures on land and sea.

Pigeons and the ancient Egyptians.

Messages from the Titanic.

The barber whose customers were usually dead.

The man who buried himself.

The misfortunes of an Irish merchant in Tenerife.

The attempted assassination of Lord Lytton, Viceroy of India.

On the beat with a London PC.

A murder at Bloomingdale.

When people have the same dream.

If you think you've seen Bigfoot, it was probably a bear.  Sorry.

That time the U.S. government tried recruiting cats to spy on the Soviet Union.

Georgian era waistcoats.

Victorian era bicycling.

It's come to this: DIY gene editing.  Oh, goody, we can all be Dr. Frankenstein now.

Investigating an Ice Age abattoir.

The birth of fettuccine Alfredo.

The man who was both a dwarf and a giant.

Germany's "doppelganger murder."  This one is all kinds of crazy.

Trials, tribulations, and tattoos.

How spouses came to be known as the "better half."

The first Arctic primates.

Treason and the execution of Charles I.

Napoleon versus the rabbits.

Africa's worst maritime disaster.

The last of the Dijon mustard makers.

The formation of the Valois Burgundian empire.

Soviet-era conmen.

The Countess whose teeth were held together with gold wire.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll meet a guy who took insurance fraud to a whole new level.  In the meantime, here's Gregg Allman:


  1. I have heard "better half" applied to women but never to men.

  2. Very interesting article about policing the City of London. I always figured that smaller force, policing 'the Square Mile' would have been more interesting to belong to than the huge force headquartered in New Scotland Yard. And it pleases me to think of Napoleon being attacked by a herd of rabbits. Maybe they were led by General Woundwort... "Come back, you fools. Frenchmen aren't dangerous!"


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