Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Newspaper Clipping of the Day

Because everyone likes a good "spectral face in glass" story, let me direct your attention to this item from the "London Morning Post," January 4, 1872 (via

San Francisco, emulous of the fame of some of the smaller cities of Ohio, now reports that it has a weird face on a window-pane, the story being related by the Bulletin of the 9th ult. as follows : 

"The precise locality of this wonderful house is No. 2119, Mason-street, between Lombard and Chestnut. The house is a small unpretending two-story, and occupied by a French widow named Joergens, whose husband died September, 1870, while on a visit to France. Madame Joergens states that everything has gone badly with her since her husband's death, as his relatives have been trying to get certain property out of her hands. She says that on Monday some children who had been playing on the street came to her and said there was a man's face in the window of the upper story. She ran up stairs, but could see no face. She then went out on the street, when it was plainly discernible. On the afternoon of Sunday Madame Joergens stated that she examined the window-pane closely, and that just to the right of and seemingly beyond the picture first observed she saw the face and shoulders of another man, having the features of her deceased husband. She says that she was loth to behave in the existence of anything supernatural, and, fearing that her eyes might have been made the fools of her other senses, she called in several friends who knew her husband when in the flesh, and they substantiated her opinion. This figure remained about three hours, and gradually disappeared, but the other remained. Each day it grew more and more distinct. The face is that of a man in the prime of life, with dark wavy hair and whiskers. The view of the face is a full one; the head is resting on the left shoulder. The expression of the features is one of contemplative sorrow. In it a gentleman recognised the features of a French real estate agent, now alive and in this city, and mentioned this fact to Mme. Joergens, who immediately stated that the person referred to was a relative of hers. Every effort has been made to obliterate the features, but without success. Ammonia, vinegar, alcohol, soap-suds, lye, and every variety of erasive matter has been used on the window, but the face is as stubborn as Banquo's ghost, and serenely contemplates all efforts to remove it."

Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else about this story.

1 comment:

  1. One would have liked to know the real estate agent's reaction to the - probably - unauthorised use of his image.


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