Friday, December 23, 2022

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

This week's Link Dump kicks off with the last of our Christmas Cats!

The "ghost ship" Baltimore.

The "rendel cruisers" of the Imperial Chinese Navy.

The origins of the phrase "pomp and circumstance."

The boy who claims he is a reincarnated Hollywood agent.

So maybe Attila the Hun had an excuse for attacking pretty much everybody.

Some of 2022's best mysteries.

A look back to when January 1 wasn't the first day of the year.

The physiognomy of Christmas.

The anomaly that wouldn't go away.

A look at the grandmother of Jesus.

A possible serial killer in Florida.

Edward Snow, the "Flying Santa."

The child soldiers of the American Civil War.

An 1858 catalog of Christmas books.

A possible explanation of Spontaneous Human Combustion that, believe it or not, makes it seem even creepier.

The Christmas Punchinello.

The island of Christmas tree sodas.

The sort of thing that could happen to anyone.

A "lost" London neighborhood.

Christmas in 1960s Japan.

Graham Hancock and the Archaeology Wars.

Britain's last witch.

Post-war housing estates in Britain and France.

A light-fingered clerk.

This is not Dracula's house.

Sailing the Mediterranean half-a-million years ago. 

Medieval female self-portraits.

The grave of the Potato King.

A history of Christmas markets.

The Jersey Witching Cats.

The Snyder-Harman murder.

A brief history of Christmas trees.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at an unusual Welsh ghost story.  In the meantime, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas, however you choose to observe the day.

1 comment:

  1. I'd never read the story of Frederick the Great and potatoes. He was a strange, contrasting fellow. Even if the tale of putting guards around his potato patch is apocryphal, it sounds like him. And post-war urban housing... What's the good of housing people if you don't care if they are happy or not in their new, safe, uniform homes?

    Merry Christmas, Undine, and may happiness attend you and yours in the new year!


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