Friday, April 5, 2019

Weekend Link Dump

The cats scheduled to host this week's Link Dump cancelled at the last minute.

They were busy hacking my Ravelry account.

Who the hell really killed the Hoy family?

The day that nearly killed all life on earth.

Ancient Egyptians had a way with egg incubators.

Why we're blue.

Casimir Pulaski, Father Mother? of the American Cavalry.

Mr. Hitler's Neighborhood.  And Mr. Stalin's, Mr. Tito's, Mr. Trotsky's...

So it turns out we don't have to worry about Betelgeuse exploding.  That's nice.

Let's talk 19th century snakes.

Once again, science wastes their time coming up with findings that any cat owner already knows.

On a related note from that last link...

Victorian board schools.

How the Georgian era dealt with bed bugs.  Sorry, BUGGS.

The place to move if you really want to get away from it all.

When IKEA meets Satan.

This week's Advice From Thomas Morris: what not to do with a watch spring.  Or a bean.  Or a clove of garlic.

A how-to guide for surviving solitary confinement.

Poland's favorite monsters.

Singapore and a tale of shipboard cholera.

The strange tale of the West Milford UFO.

Mars as object of despair.

A mystery religion in South America.

The Duke of Devonshire's illegitimate daughter.

Our sometimes-unhealthy fascination with skin.

How to be an 18th century apothecary.

A funeral for a popular rat.

The first house to have electric lights.

Tracking down fugitives in the Early Modern era.

The Burfords and Non-Conformism.

The start of the Pony Express.

The boy who broke into Buckingham Palace.

Walking the Black Path.

Did da Vinci invent the egg timer?

Speaking of Leonardo, have you seen any sign of this painting?

When science goes barking mad.

Why zoos hate April 1st.

The history of April Fool's Day.

Some vanished explorers.

The Anglican cats of Greenwich Village.

The woman who feels no pain.

Britain's Bermuda Triangle of cars.

A really bad father-son tradition.

How the newspapers covered the doomed Robert Scott expedition.

Three 18th century Paris gardens.

That's it for this week! See you on Monday, when we'll look at a famous poisoning mystery. In the meantime, here are the Dixie Cups.


  1. Another Iko Iko, wiht more electric eyeball. Pluys there are a zillion Gratefyl dead live covers.

  2. The article on blue was very interesting. I'd read another, perhaps it was on a Link Dump, that suggested that people actually couldn't discern blue until relatively recently. I don't know about that. (And I've never worn blue jeans.)


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