Friday, August 17, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

It occurs to me that this eatery's sign would also fit very well for Strange Company HQ.

Who the hell murdered Joe the Quilter?

Who the hell was "Mary Anderson?"

When the hell did the largest volcanic explosion in human history take place?

Watch out for the carpenter of doom!

Watch out for those cursed cheeses!

One of the 19th century's most famous murders.

That time Leonard Bernstein disowned his own performance.

What's believed to be the world's oldest map.

The gruesome mystery of the Woman in the Vineyard.

The trouble with swimming naked is that you might have to stay naked.

I already do this for free, and I have to pay a mortgage, to boot. And God knows I've never gotten enough solitude for my liking.  Sign me up.

The surprising number of people who survived the gallows.

And then there are those who are executed after they're already dead.

The latest theory about Easter Island.

An oozing "miracle house."  Or maybe it has a really bad mildew problem.  Lysol, guys. Just sayin'.

Look, if you decide to call a place "Helltown," don't come crying to me when things get weird.

Hong Kong was shaped by feng shui.

The house of 100 cats.  (No, not Strange Company HQ, although we come close.)

The scientific debate over dinosaur extinction looks like a particularly nasty Twitter war.  (This is a long article, but quite fascinating.)

So, a guy did a study analyzing which world cities have the most perfect temperatures.  Ironically, most of them are cities you'd want to avoid for a whole lot of other reasons.

The unexpected hazards of being a seamstress.

A sideways grave for a sideways dog.

An orchestra of prisoners.

Demonic possession in South Africa.

Radioactive sheep in Australia.

18th century wet nurses.

Hanging is too good for some people.

19th century Indian pension lists.

How tofu was brought to America.

The evolution of the waltz.

The Iranian Saltmen.

Does Egypt have a second Sphinx?

The UK's last public hanging.

William Blake has gotten a new tombstone.

Not a good planet to visit if you dislike the heat.

The importance of mythology in ancient Egypt.

The search for the "Endeavour."

Summoned by the dead.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at a well-documented French haunting.  In the meantime, here are the Collins Kids.  I never heard of them until recently, when I discovered the duo during one of my explorations of the wilds of YouTube.  I love these two.  Damn, but Larry rocks.


  1. Very nice cat/

    Now why would that be at the bottom of the list when that's its' main selling point?

  2. Oh, poor Sideways - but what a sweet memorial and tradition.

  3. A good list again. The Red Barn murder looks like a pretty open-and-shut case for Strange Compny chronicles. Even Corder's explanation of accidental death rang false: why did he have a loaded pistol with him? And Joe the Quilter seems unlikely to have been killed for money: he had littel and he was slashed 44 times. That smells of hatred.

    On a much brighter note, the job on the Greek island with the cats would be great. I have read the blog mentioned several times. I would volunteer to take the position but I suspect the money involved would require the addition of a small pension; probably not much but enough to add to the salary. Even in Greece, food costs money. Then again, with prices increasing here - and my wage static - a Greek island filled with cats looks pretty good.


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