Friday, April 14, 2017

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by the International Cats of Easter!

Where the hell is Caligula's party boat?

Where the hell is Jesus' DNA?

Why the hell is the Pentagon a pentagon?

Why the hell were these WWII dog tags buried?

Why the hell do our shoelaces untie?

Who the hell is the man honored at Sutton Hoo?

What the hell is beneath the Mariana Trench?

That eternal question:  What the hell is the Voynich Manuscript?

Watch out for those scareships!

A murder and the ghouls.

The sinister mystery of British Columbia's Highway 16.

That ever-popular topic of female pirates.

A plea on behalf of Latvia's homeless cats.

A medieval Easter egg hunt.

How Georgians celebrated Easter.

The "oldest living clown."

A look at Breton folklore.

The hunt for the scent of old books.

Nessie: the cryptid without a country.

You know, scientists spend a lot of time researching the obvious.

Oh, just another duel.  With blunderbusses.  While riding in balloons.

The cats of the British Museum.

 A 17th century "abandoned villain."

Georgian post offices.

If everyone on earth dies in a new Ice Age, blame Harvard.

The "little people" of Alaska.

A 19th century opera star.

Civilization:  It's all about the caffeine and the beer.

A portrait of three princesses that's an ad for smallpox vaccination.

It's smallpox vaccination week around here.

The talented women of a medieval harem.

An 18th century family's very unlucky Friday the 13th.

18th century New Orleans sees a very grisly execution.

An interview with a descendant of James Garfield.

An artistic "one-hit wonder."

Stories of the footbound.

Witches and the wandering uterus.

A Palm Sunday in Stepney.

Indonesian Ice Age art.

Victorian Easter bonnets.

How the English saw 17th century Japan.

Tales from an 18th century almshouse.

Ghost pets.

A princess and her ill-fated love affair.

The Color Doctor.

The exorcist house of King's Lynn.

The sounds of ghosts.

"Rational incoherence" and murder.

This week's Advice From Thomas Morris:  After a night of drinking, here's what not to do with your glass.

Einstein and the CIA psychics.

The history of the Fifth Avenue Easter Parade.

The link between modern-day pansies and Jane Austen.

Some obsolete Easter traditions.  I'd like to bring back the Sun Dance.

Article addressing one of my pet peeves: how technology is replacing our ability to think.

The latest on the Roanoke mystery.

Douglas the Confederate Camel.

The life of Catherine de Valois.

A real wild child.

A court case involving the death of a 19th century actress.

A mysterious grave in a medieval churchyard.

The fine art of public urination in Victorian Paris.

The case of the North Pond Hermit.

British troops in WWI Yemen.

Lincoln's death mask and a haunted library.

A look at one of my favorite historical figures, Ulysses S. Grant.

One of Lafayette's love affairs.

How to garden like a medieval monk.

This week in Russian Weird:  Siberia, proud home of the Exploding Pingo Detector.

That wraps things up for this week.  See you on Monday, when we'll be looking at a young woman's brutal--and unusually mysterious--murder.  In the meantime, here's something familiar to anyone who's ever seen "Masterpiece Theater":


  1. "How technology is replacing our ability to think . . ."

    One of my favorite tracks, I think you will appreciate the lyrics:

    Human Triptych Collective - "Circumfession Part 2"

  2. The article on an English observer in early 17th century Japan was interesting. It would be wonderful, in some ways, I think, to live in a time when there were unexplored or unknown parts of the world, fantastic lands still waiting to be learned about.


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