Friday, July 26, 2024

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

Welcome to this week's Link Dump!

We tip our hat to you!

The eldest daughter of Thomas More.

That time when tornado ruins became a tourist attraction.

In the "Bad Jobs" category, I'd have to put "Removing bodies from Mount Everest" near or at the top of the list.

A bizarre family tragedy.

A day spent photographing grave monuments.

A mysterious Mayan structure.

How "late" also came to mean "dead."

Why 1816 was the Year Without a Summer.

A centenarian goes to vote.

The Irish Giant's uneasy afterlife.

Chess championships can get surprisingly odd.

A legendary East End boxer.

A new type of animal fossil has been discovered.  And, boy, is it weird.

London's evolving street names.

The last woman to be hanged in New Hampshire.

In praise of "Plan Nine From Outer Space."  No, really.

How "Black Beauty" aided the animal rights movement.

A rare artifact from the "Cave of Skulls."

What Russian classical writers thought of summer.

Meditation might not be for everyone.

Fighting for free speech in Tudor England.

Remembering drive-in movies.

A 3,500 year old shopping list.

There are deep-ocean minerals that generate oxygen.

I'm not sure why anyone would eat a meal that could very well kill you, but maybe that's just me.

Sports and 1940s Indian marine cadets.

The disappearance of a WWII submarine.

In which we learn that Oliver Cromwell liked a day at the races.

The hidden tunnels of Brighton.

The ghostly soldiers of Shropshire.

The origins of "tag along."

A mysterious mass poisoning in Bangkok.

That's all for this week!  We meet again on Monday, when we'll look at Alabama's most famous fish.  In the meantime, here's a bit of Haydn.


  1. In which we learn that Oliver Cromwell liked a day at the races.

    But did he also like A Night at the Opera?

  2. Boy, that French submarine was an odd-looking duck. I'm surprised anyone would feel a need for such a hybrid vessel. Considering some of the creatures discovered to have lived in the distant past - found through their fossils - I'm certain I would not have liked to live in any of those eras. I'm rather reluctant about this one now, in fact. I've read about "Black Beauty" helping animals, but I didn't know it was written for that purpose. And I dislike to disagree with the article's writer, but "Plan 9 From Outer Space" was bad, just straight out horrible. Period.


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