Friday, July 5, 2024

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

Here comes this week's Link Dump!

Let's hit the road!

A murder victim and her orphan.

The soldier who could eat anything.  And did.

The oldest living culture.

Elizabeth I's instructions to Sir Francis Drake.

Henry Ward Beecher and the homeless cat.

What may be the world's oldest known narrative art.

In which the Vatican rejects the Miracle of the Multiplying Pizzas.

How different cultures depict dragons.

The disappearance of a legendary French sword.

The menu for Revolutionary War soldiers on July 4, 1776.

The world's youngest war photographer.

The Acid Bride.

The music of electoral victories.

Be careful with those toy cannons, kids.

The birth of the Jersey Devil.

The scandal over an Army veteran whose corpse was sent to the dissection table.

Australia's demonic pelicans.

The man who contested JMW Turner's will.

That time Benjamin Franklin performed a naked water ballet.

The mystery event that killed off Siberian woolly mammoths.

The baker of Gettysburg.

Earth's hidden continent.

The complicated history of the Duff family.

The sacred forests of Ethiopia.

A new discovery at Auschwitz.

Whale corpses as a cure for rheumatism.

Pondering why ancient humans made art in dark caves.

When pets bid us farewell.

A shocking murder in a small town.

A visit to Waterbeach.

The 17th century "Fen Tigers."

The sacrifice of a princess.

That's all for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at two mysterious deaths.  In the meantime, here's a bit of summer music.


  1. One of the multiplying pizzas had pineapple. No miracle. Obviously the work of the devil.

  2. Queen Elizabeth I's instructions to Drake were interesting. It's neat to have that document, still. The article on pets saying good-bye was a little tough to read. And I just couldn't bring myself to read about Franklin naked...


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