Friday, July 2, 2021

Weekend Link Dump


"The Witches' Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn

In this week's Link Dump, our host is celebrating the upcoming Fourth of July holiday!

And really hitting those high notes in the "Star Spangled Banner."

What the hell happened to Flight 2501?

That ever-popular question: What the hell was the Tunguska Event?

Who the hell was Sylvester the Mummy?

A nemesis of Alexander Pope.  And of a lot of other people.

Samuel Pepys and his famous diary.

Why you probably don't know how to breathe.

A dessert made out of peaches and physics.

The clock-eyed boy.

A brief history of the solstice at Stonehenge.

The Pentagon's report on UFOs has been released.  Their conclusion?  "We dunno."

Some people just aren't cut out to be bank robbers.

Geordie Davidson and his Flying Machine of the Future.

That time the Chinese blasted tunnels in the Sierra Nevada.

The most dangerous sport in Olympic history.

Danny Casolaro and the Octopus.  That's still a favorite rabbit hole for a lot of people.

The portrait mummy of Herakleides.

Raymond Chandler's slang notebooks.

The Angel of Gettysburg.

The "Blue Boy" goes home.

A series of strange deaths and Marconi Electronic Systems.

The beginning of the Paralympic Games.

The worst punishment in ancient Rome.

Maybe the Big Bang wasn't the Big Beginning.

The joys of browsing.

The cow and chickens of the Sprong-Duryea House.

The 5,000 year old roots of the Black Death.

An unusual but long-forgotten character actor.

A brief look at trial by combat.

It's the mid-19th century.  You're a new employee of the East India Company about to go to India.  Here's what to pack.

Possible Ice Age sign language.

Why Bermuda is a land of white roofs.

Acid throwing and insolent weavers.

Early American UFO sightings.

A very weird ancient skull has been found in China.

A disappearance in the Great Smoky Mountains.

Anne Griffith's screaming skull.

A bad mother is charged with murder.

The FBI and missing Civil War gold.

Murder at the Devil's Punch Bowl.

A lavish wedding in 19th century high society.

A particularly puzzling unsolved murder.

A particularly strange psychic.

The case of the vanishing village.

An outraged father's revenge.

The Age of Pedestrianism.

That's all for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll explain why it's not always a good thing to find buried treasure.  In the meantime, here's a bit of Albinoni:


  1. Chandler's proposed title, 'Stop Screaming, its Only Me' - if I had a nickel for evry time I've had to say that...

  2. The Romans sure had a nasty turn of mind...

    I didn't know that about Bermudian roofs: an ineresting fact.


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