Friday, August 9, 2019

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is hosted by an array of musical cats!

What the hell was the Creature From Coffs Harbor?

Yes, we're still asking, "What the hell is the Shroud of Turin?"

Watch out for those cursed towns!

Watch out for those haunted lighthouses!

The guy was an accordion player.  Hanging really was too good for him.

Why you might want to avoid wearing bright colors the next time you go hiking.

It's rarely a good sign when a government agency won't say what the hell it's up to.

If you're having a cold drink this summer, make sure you're very careful about where the ice comes from.

Nathan Foster, killer of patriots and wives.

The ghosts of Gladstone Villa.

The Wyricks and the poltergeist.

A legendary fifth-century warrior king who was not named Arthur.

This week in Russian Weird:  Have a drink on Chernobyl!

The Magus of Delaware.

That time Jane Austen's aunt got arrested.

That time Mark Twain wanted to sell you a cheap watch.

That time summer ice-skating was all the rage.

That time a guy was hit in the face with a cow stomach.

The worst car ever made and the people who love it.

How a wife-murderer (and probably a son-murderer as well) was found out.

An unjustly forgotten Russian poet.

If you're worried about getting scurvy, here's an 18th century recipe for spruce beer.

The mummy of St. Botolph's

An indentured servant turns to murder.

Recreating the face of a vampire witch.

19th century catfishing.

A brief history of quackery.

Identifying a 19th century vampire.

The truth about the Ilkeston Witch.

The man who planned Washington D.C.

What it was like to be a 19th century domestic coachman.

The unsolved murder and the best-selling novel.

That wraps it up for this week! See you on Monday, when we'll look at a particularly weird forgery case. In the meantime, here's more of the songs of summer.

1 comment:

  1. Vortigern evidently was not a fan of history, which suggests that you not invite in a foreign army to deal with your troubles. The foreign army becomes the troubles...

    And Atomik Vodka... I'd read of that elsewhere. Well, I guess if you have to produce something from radioactively contaminated soil, why not alcohol? I don't drink, anyway...


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