Friday, February 1, 2019

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by another member of Strange Company HQ's hard working and dedicated staff of researchers.

Where the hell is Amelia Earhart's plane?  

Who the hell was this Regency mystery woman?

Watch out for the Sasquatch Curse!

Watch out for those decapitated heads!

What it was like to be disabled in the 18th century.

The death of Meriwether Lewis: suicide or murder?

You can see the damnedest things in the Tower of London.

London fat cats of 1824.

The famed Red Barn murder.

How an old photo showed the center of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

Perrin Mace, who failed to find sanctuary in a sanctuary.

Everyone loves pancakes.  I mean everyone.

The tomb that inspired British telephone boxes.

An infinite number of worms.  Yes, it's a Thomas Morris link.

Believe it or not, swallowing a live catfish is not a good idea.  No, it's not a Thomas Morris link, but it well could be.

The captain who--unfortunately for him--inspired "Moby Dick."

The Marlborough Papers: the truth behind "The Favourite."

Grace O'Malley, Pirate Queen.

The mercurial Mayhew.

Queen Victoria's cook.

A famed Norwegian folktale.

Medieval cook-offs.  

A little-known down side to being executed:  having to write your autobiography before some hack does it for you.

America's most eccentric fashion plate.

Some lesser-known facts about "Pride and Prejudice."

Button folklore.

Kater Murr, a famed literary cat.

The history of Buda Castle.

The life of the Anglo-Saxon queen Emma.

The goblins of Appalachia.

The power of the priestess Pythia.

How to steal a knighthood.

The case of the San Diego Giant.

Did Elvis (and not, as you might assume, Taylor Swift,) make the world's worst album?

The shooting of a British Consul General.

The world's oldest lingerie.

Life-saving dogs.

Princess Caraboo, queen of impostors.

A literary madman.

A 4800-year-old artificial eye.

Air mysteries from WWII.

The story behind a famous hoax.

Jack the Slasher.

And, finally, if you're into unusual tarot cards, you might want to check this out.

We're done for this week! See you on Monday, when we'll look at one of the 18th century's most eccentric scholars. In the meantime, a bit of organ music.


  1. The shooting of the British consul in Persia is familiar to me, as I have an interest in the obscure 'side-shows' of big wars. Persia was full of such side-shows.

    The story of the Regency mystery woman was interesting but it reminded me of the 'New River'. It may be entertaining for you to follow it up. The canal was built by money from shares that remained largely under-valued until London's population exploded in the 19th century. Then fortunes were made, including that of the Holfords of Westonbirt, one of whom became step-father to a British Secret Service chief. No supernatural here, but a good tale of fortunes two and a half centuries in the making...

    1. I tried looking for more information about the "mystery woman," but I couldn't find any more than these bloggers did. It didn't help that the newspapers didn't give any names. Yet another historical puzzle fated to remain unsolved...


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