Friday, October 26, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by more of our Halloween Cats!

Asking the important questions:  What the hell are Pringles?

Watch out for those haunted cabs!

Watch out for those haunted teapots!

Watch out for those headless horsemen!

Watch out for those headless chicken sea monsters!  Wait, what?

This may be the world's most valuable library.

I presume we all want to avoid being buried alive.  Here's how.

When vintage Halloween plays go very, very wrong.

A Victorian two-faced cad.

The Electric Poltergeist Girl.

It turns out that Peter Falk's widow runs a Los Angeles pet cemetery.

In related news, it also turns out that Budapest has a Columbo statue.

A witchcraft trial in 2018.

Ghosts who dress the part.

The Georgian era really liked whist.

A Good Samaritan gets the usual reward.

Italy's most haunted house.  It looks it, too.

A 5,000 year old musical instrument.

A lonely war cemetery.

A reminder that there really is a Man in the Moon.

In more related news, here is the man buried four billion miles from Earth.  And counting!

Now, this is my idea of a scientific study.

How William Cody became Buffalo Bill.

Why Morocco is full of abandoned movie sets.

A look at Aphra Behn.

Why you wouldn't want to wrestle a Mongolian princess.

The world's oldest intact shipwreck.

The "Chinese Pompeii."

Spirits among the spirits.

"Courtesan and preacher" is a heck of a resume.

A brief history of Oktoberfest.

The confession of an 18th century criminal.

The "Ghostwatch" panic.

The plots to kill Hitler.

The possible archaeological evidence for Goliath.

19th century mesmerism.

A disappearance on Mount Ararat.

The Case of the Reincarnated Nazi.

A surgery that was fatal to the doctor.

The cats of Largo Argentina.

Becoming a ghost for fun and profit.

In England, it was once forbidden to be buried wearing anything but wool.

A look at Edgar Allan Poe's cottage.  (Although there is NO WAY that is a photo of Virginia.  Argh.)

Celebrating George III's Golden Jubilee.

Life in Victorian era Cambridge.

A famed 18th century French actor.

Fake fairies and Arthur Conan Doyle.

I'm not the biggest Mark Twain fan, but he and I had at least one thing in common.

A newly-rediscovered Holocaust diary.

The East India Company's boy apprentices.

Bad undertakers.

The dangers of Regency London.

That's it for this week!  Tune in on Monday, when we'll visit a hexed ashram.  In the meantime, here's my favorite song from an underrated album of the early country-rock era.


  1. One more link for the road?

    "There are records of ghouls and ghost stories dating from very early times . . ."

  2. It's interesting that the law under which someone was arrested for witchcraft in Canada makes it illegal to PRETEND to be a witch, not for being one. It's a consumer protection law that protects people from fake witches just as they are protected from fake plumbers or fake phrenologists...

    As an aside on 'Columbo', many may not know that Bing Crosby was first approached to play the detective when the character was first conceived for a stage-play. Bert Freed played Columbo first, I believe, followed by Thomas Mitchell ('Uncle Billy' in "It's a Wonderful Life" among many other roles), which shows how old the character was first meant to be. Falk was 35 years younger than Mitchell.


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