Friday, September 7, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is proud to be sponsored by Puss in Boots!

What the hell might be living on Jupiter?

What the hell was this "ghost ship?"  Now we know!

What the hell happened to MH370?  It's looking like we'll never know.

Watch out for the Manchester Canal!

Why does he love John Quincy Adams?  Let him count the ways.

From what I've seen of Hollywood, Geoffrey's much better off.

The Water Poet.

Two remarkable war nurses.

The 19th century spiritualist Andrew Jackson Davis.

So it seems that the real victor at Waterloo might have been a volcano.

Yet another busy day at Tyburn.

All hail the power of cheese.

Bankruptcy and body-snatching.

Welsh mythology and the Mabinogion.

Another example of how ancient medicine is underrated.

A 4,000 year old cemetery in the desert.

Yet another victim of the French Revolution.

Is the space station being sabotaged?

The cursed Strahl family.

Old Bombay's "Aunty Bars."

The Rebecca Riots.

Confessions of a murderer.

The body of a long-missing hiker has been found.

A duel in Hyde Park.

Schrodinger, the lonely cat.

The dark side of wildlife conservation.

The dark side of immortality.

The "singing priest" and the Reformation.

An ancient Egyptian village.

Byron's "Breton cousin."

That time kilts were banned in Scotland.

Was this Arthur's Round Table?

An 18th century feminist.

Morse Code's forgotten competition.

The mystery of the dead train children.

The son of Madame Tussaud.

That's it for this week's Link Dump!  See you on Monday, when we'll visit a once-famous murder trial.  In the meantime, bring on the sound of trumpets:


  1. The dead train children - couldn't have dental records been used to help identify them?

  2. The Rebecca Riots I've heard of. The article states at the bottom that the rioters took on the law and won, though the article itself suggests that nobody won except the railways - they provided the means of by-passing the toll-gates. Aside from that, this seems to have been a good example of the old adage that 'violence doesn't solve anything'.


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