Friday, June 1, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by this celebrity cat, who looks understandably alarmed to be canoodling with Evelyn Nesbit.

Things had a way of happening to guys who canoodled with Evelyn Nesbit.

Who the hell was the real Venerable Bede?

What the hell was this creature stalking Montana cattle?

Watch out for those fava beans!

Watch out for those hungry ghosts!

Watch out for the Suffolk sea monster!

An Australian almanac of magic.

The execution of one of the Pendle Witches.

A Voltaire love affair.

Graffiti from the dungeons of Richmond Castle.

A history of the "king-pine."  That's pineapples to you.

Europe's oldest tree is still going strong!

Herrings:  Icelandic gold!

18th century tea drinking.

Folklore relating to midwives.

How to speak Persian like a Colonial Englishman.

The Leka and the logger.

A Georgian actress gets third time lucky.

Executing the executioner.

The clock that foretold death.

A Chilean Stonehenge.

The good news for Tycho Brahe:  He wasn't poisoned.  The bad news for Tycho Brahe:  He's still dead.

Elizabeth Short wasn't the only grisly murder victim in 1940s Los Angeles.

Defenses against dark algorithms.

What pilots see during night flights.

A menu from India's Gorakhpur Club, 1916.

Restoring Stonehenge.

A peek at the life of an Early Modern wife.

The last days of Empress Josephine.

The life of an early 20th century factory girl.

That time Thomas Jefferson sent a moose to Paris.

Tuffi the elephant's great escape.

People who live in glass dresses shouldn't...well, they just shouldn't.

Scottish political history adds one more to its extensive body count.

The anti-suffragist nursery cat.

Today's forecast: scattered showers of honey, maggots, and bog nuts.

A bad end for a grave-robber.

The ballerina who shot Nazis on her way out.

That's all for this week! See you on Monday, when we'll look at one very cheap murder. In the meantime, here's some Handel.

1 comment:

  1. I must have been hungry when I read the dump today: I concentrated on the pineapples and tea stories. Now I AM hungry...


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