Friday, February 9, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is again sponsored by a celebrity cat; namely, this presidential kitten.

Who the hell made these ancient tools?

What the hell happened to Princess Pamela?

Watch out for those cursed houses!

Watch out for those handfuls of dust!

A peek inside the Winchester Mystery House.

18th century tips for cold and flu season.

Ghost towns of the Old West.

A peculiar--and lethal--affair.

The life of an 18th century vicar.

The sad tale of the Buttermere Beauty.

The man who invented radio.  Well, almost.

In search of lost books.

Have we found a habitable planetary system?

All hail the King of the Cats!

My kind of home, sweet home.

A strange death in Pennsylvania: murder, suicide, or accident?

The true story behind a famed centenarian.

The true story behind Burt Reynolds' centerfold.

The true story behind New Zealand's most badass photograph.

The true story behind Britain's Cheddar Man.

A disappearance in the Australian outback.

A 19th century English miscellany.

The trials of an 18th century balloonist.

Not all of the Berlin Wall has come down.

Some wonderful vintage insults.

18th century urban planning.

One celebrity that really is just a big ham.

The grave of a medieval anchoress.

The 19th century really did not like forgers.

Software uncovers an alleged Shakespeare source.

Napoleon's etiquette.

Los Angeles' Great Tin Can Feud.

A Bronze Age hunk.

The last of the sea nomads.

The strange tale of triplets separated at birth.

The first color photos of post-earthquake San Francisco.

The uses of an 18th century apron.

Previously unknown ancient humans in the Americas.

A previously unknown language.

A review of a new book about one of my favorite historical figures, U.S. Grant.

And here's a story about Mrs. Grant and Marie Dressler.

Personally, I like carob, so there.

Music for cats!

Plagiarizing ancient medical devices.

Cross-dressing in Victorian Wales.

An 18th century recidivist.

Napoleon's mom.

That wraps it up for this week.  See you on Monday, when I'll present...



Oh, be still my beating heart.

While we count down the minutes to that post, here's Gordon Lightfoot.


  1. About the ghost towns-my greatuncle Jim(Myrum James Mudgett, born 1898) claimed ot have been the last person born in Calico. Ca.

  2. Thanks for the link to "Music for Cats." I played the sample clip for my cats, and there was actually a really dramatic reaction. My old male cat was stalking one of the "guest" cats, getting ready to make trouble, and when the music started playing, he broke off the attack and walked away with kind of an uncertain look on his face, maybe looking for the source of the music. They seemed to like it, so I immediately bought the MP3 download. It might come in handy on the next vet day. :)

  3. The story about the Winchester House is more interesting based in the normal than any story about the building that is set in the paranormal. But then, I like residential architecture...

    And the tales about the 'king of the cats' were fun. I thought the same thing as the columnist: there was no point to the stories, except perhaps that when a cat feels he needs to be somewhere - he goes!

    And I like carob, too. In the 1970s, I stopped eating chocolate; if I did that, I would get a dog for Christmas. (I think that was how it went; in any case, Finnigan, a black cock-a-poo lived with us for about seven or eight years, bless her.) After this, I ate carob bars, available in different flavours at the Safeway store in town. I haven't seen that brand for years, but I know I liked eating it. I read somewhere that it was the actual 'locust' -and not the insect - that John the Baptist lived on in the wilderness, hence it's name of St John's bread. It's a theory, but it makes sense.

  4. Oh, and ever since I heard that Lightfoot song as a boy, I wanted him to write a sequel to let everyone know that the man didn't freze to death by the side of the highway...

    1. Considering this is Gordon Lightfoot we're talking about, the guy probably did freeze.

  5. HE..HE..HE.. Didn't he know that tortoiseshell shell kitties can only be female! (They are the reverse calico.)


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