Friday, January 12, 2018

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by the Cats of Winter Amalgamated!

Who the hell was D.B. Cooper?  These people think they know!

Two possible spontaneous combustion cases in England.

The widow who dined with her husband.  Or on her husband.  Whatever.

If you're in the mood to read about popped-out livers, here you go.

Catherine of Aragon's loyal friend.

Children and the supernatural.

Shorter version: water is weird.

Shorter version:  Mars is weird.

Shorter version:  human history is weird.

A very well-preserved Chinese mummy.

One of the most notable features of the Georgian era: gout.

Bardstown, Kentucky is having more than its share of unsolved murders.

The morgue as public entertainment.

The Fairy Census.

Stella Alexander, Quaker and scholar.

The horrific Mossdale caving disaster.

Educated spiders.

Killer oak trees.

The restoration of a dragon bed.

The story behind Miss Hap, Korean War kitten.

When Bigfoot gets dressy.

The ship's cat in Georgian times.

The life of Napoleon IV.

Some early UFO mysteries.

A 17th century witch trial.

Murder, suicide, and a newspaperman.

UFOs in the New World.

The scientific way to hunt ghosts.

Walking a mile in the Iceman's shoes.

An early female ballet choreographer.

Memorials to laboratory animals.

The truth about Victorian rakes.

The strange murder of a Vietnam vet.

The funeral of Edward VI.

The fatal can of beans.

The woman who served in the Georgian navy.

The Squibb family murders.

What books did pirates read?

The tiger that terrorized London.

The notorious Stanford White murder.

The life of Madame Lenormant.

More research into the "Bog Bodies."

A brief history of morganatic marriages.

If someone offers you the Barclay Challenge, don't take the bet.

This week in Russian Weird shows us how to go out for drinks.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll look at what is probably the strangest missing-persons case I've ever heard of.

Yes.  It's that strange.  In the meantime, how about a little Macedonian folk music?

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