Friday, December 15, 2017

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is again sponsored by the League of Christmas Cats!

What the hell are these Venezuelan petroglyphs?

What the hell are these "smoke rings?"

Why the hell is Scotland's national animal the unicorn?

Watch out for those frost coffins!

How Christmas became domesticated.

The house of eleven ghosts.

The sad tale of Bob the mummified cat.

The efforts to understand some strange ancient manuscripts.

The East India Company and Mughal India.

Trips to the Moon, 17th century style.

The ghost ship and the murdered monkeys.

A 17th century Christmas miracle.

The Christmas tree in France.

The Christmas dinner in Georgian times.

The Lithuanian who became South Africa's Ostrich King.

Anne Greene's extremely narrow escape.

What says "The Weekend is Here" better than a Beer Vocabulary?

19th century Christmas gift ideas.

A shark who was alive during the time of the Tudors.

A particularly symbolic menorah.

Salt folklore.

Christmas tree folklore.

The beauty of bismuth.

Living on credit in the Regency era.

A brief history of mince pies.

A brief history of upside-down Christmas trees.

A brief history of the London plague.

A Hunter Thompson Christmas.  Yes, it's pretty much what you'd expect.

Portuguese wine and the American Revolution.

Sorry, kids.  Years ago, a guy killed Santa Claus.

An unusual abandoned island.

The time it was fashionable to have a portrait of your cow.  (Reminds me a bit of Lord Emsworth and his Empress.)

The woman who fought in the English Civil War.

Christmas in the tenements.

Napoleon at Longwood House.

Wolf girls and sheep boys.

How to prevent drunkenness.  (Warning: the words "roasted goat lungs" ahead.)

Let's talk foot-long bladder stones, shall we?

Not to mention pea pod polyps.

And mermaid babies.

18th century gay bars.

A mysterious case of attempted murder.

The latest entry for that copious file marked "Rewriting human history."

For anyone keeping score, yes, dismembered feet are still washing up in British Columbia.

Was it murder or manslaughter?

The journals of an Arctic explorer.

A "romantic" murder story.

A Fortean bedtime story.

A "cruel and diabolical murder."

Schooling in Victorian Britain.

The black female undertaker who assisted the Underground Railroad.

The psychic boy detective.

The chapel of prosthetic limbs.

The tasty history of macaroni and cheese.

Frost Fairs on the Thames.

That's it for this week!  See you on Monday, when we'll be looking at a complicated case involving a mysterious dead woman.  In the meantime, here's my current favorite YouTube clip.  I just love this.


  1. There's an article on unicorns in general, but i couldn't find anything about the unicorn's connection to Scotland.

  2. Intense. I'm going right out to get a portrait of my cow. (Wait, I don't have a cow.)

  3. Among the many, many historical subjects that intrigue me is the East India Company's expansion in India. Like much of what later became the British Empire, it was pretty much accidental, or perhaps incidental. Other commercial companies ruled territory, too, such as the Hudson's Bay Company and the British South Africa Company, but few were as rewarding as the HEIC. I can almost hear the romantic and - possibly - profitable Orient calling...


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