Friday, September 15, 2017

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by two more Cats From the Past!

These Siamese twins (so to speak) were owned by relatives of ours who live in Toronto.  I only met them once, during a visit we made when I was eight.  I'm sorry to say I don't remember their names.  All I recall about them was that they both had voices that could raise the dead.  When they joined together in chorus, it really was like the wailing of the damned.

I found it a curiously appropriate soundtrack for my stay there.

When the hell did Hitler die?

Who the hell was the Axeman of New Orleans?

Watch out for those novels!

Watch out for those spectral carpenters!

Watch out for those Los Angeles Witch Women!

If your cat starts dancing, prepare for trouble.

Texas urban legends.

A soldier goes all St. Sebastian, and lives to tell the tale.

Holy clay, Batman!

18th century "heavenly visitors."

The link between Katy Perry, the Illuminati, and JonBenet Ramsey, or yet another example of why we've all lost our ever-loving minds.

The mysterious death of a president's grandfather.

Eclipse, the most valuable horse in history.

Is this the face of Mary Magdalene?

Politics and crime in Birmingham.  "Politics and crime."  Sorry, I repeat myself there.

Old photos look at London's forgotten corners.

Otis Redding's brief career, and brutal end.

The execution of a 19th century stalker.

It's 1820.  You're moving to New York City.  Here are some tips.

The oasis under Antarctica.

Six-toed cats vs. Hurricane Irma.  Guess who won.

My birthday's in December.  If any of you have $124,000 handy and you'd like to buy me a present, here's an idea.   Beer party in my backyard, and the drinks are on me!

The sinking of a Gold Rush treasure trove.

Edgar Allan Poe, patron saint of "broke-ass freelancers."

Why you wouldn't want to be near any 18th century European who was contemplating suicide.

A dust-up in the desert, 1931.

The Wardenclyffe Tower:  Tesla's Waterloo.

An arrival in 1800 London.

Mozart's muse: a starling.

The debate over snuff.

The ghost of Somercotes.

An elopement in high life.

A murder committed by an indignant husband.

18th century "Aero-Nuts."

A wedding in a balloon, 1865.

Painting Victorian-era Paris.

The legend of Shakespeare's "lost ballad."

The tomb of an ancient Egyptian goldsmith.

A radical 18th century Quaker dwarf.

Well, who wouldn't forget about having a steel fork stuck in their back?

The Witch of Southwold.

Some interesting interviews with WWI "conscientious objectors."

Deciphering a nun's letter from Lucifer.

Deciphering purple spots in the Vatican.

Yet to be deciphered: a note from Ernest Shackleton.

How to dress your hair like a Victorian governess.

Early Modern beauty tips.

Early Modern treasonous magic.

The good old days of passport photos.

The haunting story of a boy who killed his parents.

This week in Russian Weird:  St. Petersburg is really booming!

And here is the grave of a Siberian "infant prince."

That's a wrap for this week.  Tune in on Monday, when we'll be looking at a haunted English mill.  In the meantime, here's some Boccherini:

1 comment:

  1. I liked the article on passport pictures; that's the way they should do them now. (As an aside, I have read in a number of memoirs that before the First World War, a person could go anywhere in Europe without a passport - or, I imagine, any means of identification - except for Russia and Turkey, and even then, it was merely recommended that the traveller have one. Simple days.


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