Friday, July 14, 2017

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by these two Cats From the Past.  These two handsome fellows belonged to neighbors of my family once upon a time, before I was even born.  I don't know their names or anything else about them, but here's to you, guys.

Who the hell built the Shell Grotto of Margate?

Who the hell killed Lord Darnley?   (One of my favorite historical rabbit holes...)

What the hell happened to Amelia Earhart?  Here's the solution du jour.

Watch out for the Sand-Walker!

Watch out for the White Lady!

Watch out for those gnomes!

Watch out for those Arcadian werewolves!

The trials of James Joyce's "Ulysses."

High Strangeness in an Indian village.

A map of Hell.

Gallows folklore.

The life of Madame de Stael.

John Quincy Adams really should have stayed on dry land.

The story behind La Marseillaise.

Scaring the life out of a murderer, in every sense.

Cats and dogs: guardians against Victorian spousal abuse.

Some lovely color photos of two Edwardian girls.

The latest research into Easter Island.

A vaudeville midget's tragic end.

Charles Dickens throws a detective party.

How to make 2,000 year old bread.

And follow that up with 9,000 year old cocktails.  (Incidentally, "alcohol archaeologist" is one of the greatest job titles ever.)

Jane Austen in her contemporary newspapers.

I love this obituary.

An 18th century courtesan and Charles James Fox.

real Tintin.

The case of Typhoid Mary, America's most notorious cook.

It turns out that Abraham Lincoln's dog was assassinated, too.

The death of the Duke of Orleans.

A Versailles in North Germany.

Florence Bearse:   hero of the week.

A Georgian educational reformer.

How the Black Death may have affected the environment.

A turnpike tour of London.

A cache of ancient Roman letters has been discovered.

A kiss from a fairy.

The Sun is getting weird.

Imprisonment in Early Modern England.

Oh, just another "live lizard in your stomach" story.

Oh, just another "flaming belches" story.

Well, if your clothes closet is haunted, help is on the way.  Or you could just buy some mothballs.

Mapping Emperor Norton.

In search of St. Columba.

Witches in the fields and little people dancing in the moonlight:  Just another day in Buckinghamshire.

Mystery stone-throwing in Africa.

The sad case of Adele Hugo.

A jilted medieval princess.

The mysterious Jane Fool.

And that's the end for this week.  See you on Monday, when we'll look at one of the nuttiest murder cases of the 1930s.  In the meantime, here's some Telemann.


  1. Terrific cat photos, you lucky. And another great list to invigorate my Friday.

  2. Speaking of Typhoid Mary, have you read Anthony Bordaine's book about her? I've a feeling you would enjoy it (I did).

    1. No, I wasn't aware of it! I'll have to hunt it down-- I really don't know much about her, but I'm curious to know what the "whole story" was.

  3. i want to be dori, her obit was wonderful- although i'm somewhat disappointed to realize it's the 'globe and mail' and not as i first read, the 'glo bean mail'.....

  4. Those cats remind me of one of my Tungsten's poses. What balance that species has.

    And Telemann... He remains one of my favourite Baroquers.

    1. The reason your comment on today's post didn't appear is that I made the mistake of sorting through comments using my phone. On that small screen, I accidentally hit "delete" instead of "publish." Sorry!!

    2. I've done similar things, usually deleting myself.

      I forgot to mention that the story on Palle Huld was intriguing. In those days, it was not only safe for adolescents to travel the world alone, but newspapers encouraged it. What a world to grow up in!


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