Friday, April 21, 2017

Weekend Link Dump

Strange Company HQ's Tip of the Week:  You can have pots of herbs growing on your back porch, or you can have cats growing on your back porch.

Not both.

What the hell are the coffins of Arthur's Seat?

What the hell is the music of the meteors?

Who the hell was "John Doe No. 24?"

Where the hell is Nessie?

Where the hell are the sheep of Central Park?

Watch out for those plague-bearing phantoms!

This is what was in Lincoln's pockets the night he was assassinated.

If you've been longing to know what it's like to have a surgeon take a chainsaw to your spine, this is your lucky week.

The real "Island of the Blue Dolphins."  Loved that book when I was a kid.

The wreck of the "Albion."

The death of an actress and the "brilliant" Chang.

In search of Leonardo da Vinci's DNA.

Now, here's a guy who knows how to use his time productively.

A cemetery for distinguished animal war heroes.

Mary Todd Lincoln and the German castle ghost.

The Chin Girls of Burma.

An elderly woman has died and taken the 19th century with her.

The rough lives of French chimney sweeps.

The icescapes of Captain Ross.

Mrs. Stone meets a headless ghost.

Madam Marie of Asbury Park.

18th century paper manufacturing.

A slightly contrarian view of Zelda Fitzgerald.

This week's mandatory "let's rewrite history" link.

A wild man in Bohemia.

The Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring.

The golden age of Norfolk smuggling.

The case of the immured nun...who wasn't.

A New York menagerie, 1906.

A medieval woman goes from heiress to wife to abbess.

How to be gulled at Hull.

J.D. Salinger and the unemployed actor.

Testing the first guillotine.

The smallest castle in England.

The man with gin on the brain.

The 1871 "Car-Hook Tragedy."

Neil Armstrong's Men in Black.

An influential French midwife.

The untapped potential of Google Books.

The discovery of five "lost" Archbishops.

The unsolved murder of a nun.

The street cries of Victorian Paris.

The life of an early modern woman.

Chinese dragons on land and sea.

A catalog of 18th century London prostitutes.

Edward Gorey was a first-rate hoarder.

A piano that held buried treasure.

Behind the scenes at the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

An East India Company official's secret family.

The thief saved by Saint Nicholas.

The Two Maidens Gentlemen of Pompeii.

Horrible murders!  Attempted suicides!  Frightful execution!

And there it is for this week.  Happy reading, gang, and I'll see you on Monday.  We'll be looking at a souvenir hunt that ended very very badly.  In the meantime, here's some Nilsson:


  1. One good link deserves another -

  2. That was an interesting picture of what was in Lincoln's pockets when he was shot. He had two p[airs of spectacles; interesting. And the ubiquitous jack-knife. Every man had that or a pen-knife in those days.

    And no, I am not going to go anywhere near the article about what happens when a surgeon uses a chainsaw on my spine.


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