Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Newspaper Clipping of the Day

This edition of the "Boston Post" series "Famous Cats of New England" meets a cat who had more than his share of ups and downs:
Teddy is a black cat that in five years, has lived through a series of adventures that could be equalled by few, if any, cats in New England. Teddy, given up for dead after being struck by an automobile and knocked down a cellar hole, with a fractured hip and broken leg was put in a plaster cast for six weeks, learned to walk about in it, and came out as good as new.

It is in a hand laundry at 75 Dartmouth street that Teddy has lived through these adventurous chapters of his life as the cat of E.A. Fletcher. The little black and white cat was born on a farm in Mansfield about five years ago. He grew to be a great hunter and rid the farmers for miles around of their particular pest--rats.

Only when he developed his hunting instinct to such an extent that the poultry of his neighbors, ambling through the tall grass, was laid low was he removed to his present scene of activity. In the Ocean Laundry there were rats, but in the Dartmouth street neighborhood there were no hens. Thus Teddy found a life job and was spared the happy hunting ground.
~January 1, 1921

1 comment:

  1. Teddy was lucky. I don't imagine many people in those days would have taken the care to help a cat heal after such injuries as he received. He evidently repaid the kindness in good works.


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