Friday, December 16, 2016

Weekend Link Dump

Once again, the Link Dump is sponsored by the Christmas Cats!

What the hell is the Marree Man?

What the hell caused the climate cataclysm of the sixth century?

Who the hell wrote "The Night Before Christmas?"

Watch out for the Killikantzaros!

The odd phenomenon of stone babies.

The ancient city beneath St. Louis.

A cave that was visited for 180,000 years.

It gives me some faith in the world to learn that there's a woman in England who keeps a Gnome Reserve.

A mysterious cave and a disappearance.

The Hungerford murders.

The folklore of Christmas food.

Tycho Brahe had a golden end.

A 19th century sea serpent tale.

James Joyce describes a murder.

19th century palindromes and anagrams.

A ghost of Gallipoli.

Christmas in mid-20th century Bahrain.

This week's Advice From Thomas Morris:  What not to do with your false teeth.

If you're looking for baby names, you could do worse than the 14th century.

The "real story" of Area 51.

A cigarette duel.

A new theory about the mystery of sleep.

A new theory about Neanderthal religion.

A new theory about the cause of some mental illness.

A buried Iranian Ziggurat.

A curious message in a bottle.

Anne Boleyn's trial in the National Archives.

Curing "green sickness."

Christmas dinner in Tudor and Stuart days.

An early department store Santa.

The man who popularized potatoes.

That time the Duke of Wellington baby-sat a toad.

That time the Victorians went insane over ferns.

Jane Austen and the "scribbling trollop."

Damn, but people were tough in the old days.

A haunted New Orleans murder house.

How to care for a country house.

Lost manuscripts.

Henry VIII's lost palace.

All hail the Christmas Witch!

A remarkable "sea serpent" sighting.

Driven to suicide by a curse.

Mysteries of the internet.

Regency-era poisons.

The boy who wouldn't be king.

Remembering America's first circus elephant.

A Victorian urban legend about a ridiculously expensive play.

Waffling over witchcraft.

How to appease household spirits.

Speaking of household spirits, you didn't know that Liszt drank a bottle of cognac a day?  Now you do!

Pearl Harbor conspiracy theories.

And, finally, this week in Weird Canada:  Toronto squirrels have declared war on Christmas.  Oh, and the Alberta legislature cherishes a nearly 50-year-old hamburger.

And so we say farewell for this week.  See you on Monday, when we'll be revisiting one of my favorite topics, Weird Wills.  In the meantime, let's hear a madrigal:


  1. "Nary Christmas to all, and to all a good mite." - signed, The Grinch

  2. Edgar the Aetheling always struck me as a flighty young man, running from one scheme to the next, one allegiance to the next; sometimes a leader, other times a follower. His switching of allies and foes seems in keeping with the early Plantagenet times, but without a real plan or support, he was doomed to fail. Maybe he had a contented retirement.


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