Friday, March 25, 2016

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by the Cats of Easter!

What the hell became of Eliza Armstrong?

A footnote to the "Who the hell was Junius?"controversy.

Watch out for those suicidal machines!

Watch out for those Georgian road trips!

Watch out for the Terminators of Dahomey!

Watch out for the Hogboons of Orkney!

Watch out for the Alien Cyclops of Sagrada Familia!

That "solution" to the Bermuda Triangle I posted last week?  Yeah, well.

Using indecent exposure to resolve disputes at work is not recommended.

The typically tangled history of an English manor house.

The lively life and times of Hector Macquarie.

If you're having a bad hair day, here's a 12th century dry shampoo.

The Goofus and Gallant of the East India Company.

Witchcraft in 18th century Bedfordshire.

These cures for warts should be approached with caution, as well.

That time Marie Antoinette's hairdresser did the makeup of a dead Emperor.

That time the U.S. Government studied psychic dogs.

That time severed hands figured heavily in Bulgarian politics.

A mine haunted by a headless ghost.

Are ghosts the dreams of dead men?

A collection of vintage sea monster sightings.

The execution of an "unhappy criminal."

Reviving a Tudor vegetable.   Which brings to mind the unpleasant image of Zombie Henry VIII.

Speaking of the Tudors, here's a look at Mary I's phantom pregnancy.

Thomas Morris is reporting about one very unappetizing profession.  If you've read my previous links from this blog, you can consider yourself warned.

The parrot who was put into a witness protection program.

Why you would not want to befriend John Griffiths.

An egg-tremely strange burial.

Deadly prayers.

Early parachuting.

A night on the town in San Francisco, 1915.

Penis nests.  No, really.

La Salle and the fur trade.

If you're planning to write a medieval historical novel, here are some great names.

It just doesn't pay to declare war on emus.

The Bridport Wildcats.

Fanny Eaton, forgotten muse.

Storytelling through thread.

The medieval hue and cry.

Ancient methods of dealing with fractured bones.

A Lancashire witchcraft case.

The death of the original Romeo.

Victorian confidence men.

A tragic tale of a nursemaid.

A detailed diagram of a magic ring.

The Lion King of Greenwich Village.

Blackie, the last of the great Spitalfields Market Cats.

The first murder?

France's Great Rat Massacre.

The last of the great Piccadilly Goats.

Benjamin Franklin's bones.

Napoleon's King of Rome.

Amsterdam's Cat Boat.

And, finally...


And we're done!  See you on Monday, when we'll be looking at Victorian legal tribulations featuring a gun-slinging parlormaid.  In the meantime, here's Joan Armatrading.  Love this song.

1 comment:

  1. That egg burial was very odd.

    Happy Easter!


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