Friday, November 27, 2015

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by one of our very favorite organizations, the Coalition of Japanese Witch Cats.

What the hell are the Nomoli Figures?

What the hell happened to all these prehistoric Americans?

What the hell is this Romanian cave?

Watch out for the Wild Woman of Wales!

Watch out for swallowing thunder!

Watch out for food!

The mystery of the locked Chinese tomb.

The legal ramifications of kissing a greyhound.

Hard times for an early 20th century British diplomat in Iran.

Mount Vernon vs. the Starlings.

Out: Run for the Roses.  In: Run for the Corpses!

The Nazi-fighting Night Witches.

The execution of a "fiddling pirate."

George Washington's craft beer recipe.

Uncovering a 7th century tavern.

The cats of the Hermitage.

Rebellious Victorian teenagers.

Premonitions of a mine disaster.

Georgian rules for long life.

More accounts of bizarre disappearances.

Here, too.

The faith of Georgian England.

Fanny Fern didn't think much of 19th century marriage.

A Regency Christmas.

The Texas killing fields.

A pit of ghosts.

Mob violence in Georgian London.

The women of the East India Company.

Well, this is weird:  Did the Freemasons sink the Titanic inquiry?

A guide to Georgian hair styles.

Ghost-hunting in a New Jersey library.

A death in the pillory, 1732.

A Byzantine underground city.

A 1995 poltergeist case.

The nights of Old London.

The alchemical life of a glassmaker.

Harriet Skelton, reluctant counterfeiter.

The remarkable story of a teenage girl who became a deadly Russian sniper.

The "water-cure" craze.

And we're done! See you on Monday, when we'll be visited by some Irish witches. In the meantime, here's Anonymous 4:


  1. Great links!

    BTW - "Water-cure craze" - this one reminded me of my last summer's reading, if you like old novels:

    "Where There's A Will" by Mary Roberts Rinehart - "Red-haired women are born to intrigue, as the sparks fly upward . . . I have been spring-house girl at Hope Springs Sanatorium for fourteen years. My father had the position before me, but he took rheumatism, and as the old doctor said, it was bad business policy to spend thousands of dollars in advertising that Hope Springs water cured rheumatism, and then have father creaking like a rusty hinge every time he bent over to fill a glass with it . . ."

    Rinehart, Mary Roberts (2010-01-31). The Best of Mary Roberts Rinehart: 23 Novels and Short Stories (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics) (Kindle Locations 7268-7270). Halcyon Press Ltd.. Kindle Edition.

  2. The case of Mr Gaskin makes me wonder what the poor fellow did in Aleppo for three years. It couldn't have been the most interesting location for an educated Englishmen. Then again, Englishmen in those days found themselves in all sorts of odd places - and usually fit right in.


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