Friday, July 17, 2015

Weekend Link Dump

This week's Link Dump is sponsored by the League of Bookworm Cats.

What the hell is this crystal?

What the hell happened on this Texas train?

How the hell did these 17 bodies wind up in a Norwich well?

How the hell did Amy Robsart die?

Why the hell are all these birds in Idaho dying?

Why the hell are all these birds in Florida disappearing?

Watch out for those ghost cars!

Watch out for those hairy hands!

Watch out for those Out Proctors!

Bolivia is really booming!

New Jersey's Great Cow Chase.

How to eat like a Georgian.

William Fly, who learned too late that he really wasn't cut out for piracy.

The first broomstick-riding witch.

Jane Austen, schoolgirl.

The ghostly nun who turned to stone.

The hazards of Georgian era clothing.

A horrific plague in 18th century Marseilles.

Those Siberian craters just keep getting weirder.

A delightful tale of blood-drinking orgies and Teddy Roosevelt.

Some remarkable--and mysterious--Ethiopian churches.

A handy guide to 19th century French swindles.

The Great Sheep Panic.

A strange Celtic boneyard.

I'll see your Stonehenge and raise you one Marden Henge.

Are the aliens already among us?

A pioneering female film director.

A notorious 14th century witchcraft trial.

Charlotte Corday:  Heroic martyr or base assassin?

Reconstructing Bach.

When things get weird for the weird.

The train dogs of Chemung County.

Was Eva Peron lobotomized?

This should be interesting:  A new blog devoted to the diary of a Georgian lady who lived into the Victorian era.

If you're too freaking stupid to take a selfie without killing yourself, here's the link for you.

A very strange tale of a 13th century "evil spirit."

The story behind the first Gothic novel.

A Napoleonic scoundrel.

A Crazy Cat Lady after my own heart.

The good news?  You get paid to be on a remote, ghost-infested island for six months.  The bad news?  You have to learn Welsh.

Cecily Neville, a quietly important figure in 15th century English history.

Tennis in the early 20th century Gulf.

ladder full of cats.

And, finally, a dancing seagull.

It's a wrap!  See you on Monday, when we'll be taking another look at Weird Wills.  In the meantime, here's the world's oldest harpsichord:

1 comment:

  1. The article about Eva Peron is very interesting, and seems most likely.


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