Friday, May 8, 2015

Weekend Link Dump

As far as cats are concerned, every day is World Book Day.

Let's go read some links:

What the hell is hissing and whistling up there?

What the hell happened to the Benders?

What the hell is happening to these Kazakhstan villagers?

Seriously, what the hell is going on in Eastern Europe?

Watch out for Mother Taylor's Power Society!

Watch out for Mexico's Zone of Silence!

Watch out for Vatican City!

Watch out for those DIY appendix removals!

Watch out for those cannon executions!

Watch out for those corpse confessions!

Watch out for that corpse medicine!

Watch out for those New England forests!

A night out in Manhattan, 1905.  I find the prospect more enticing than Sean does.

The sad tale of a "Bird of Paradise."

A Georgian traveling menagerie.

I love this photo:  a ballerina dancing at dawn in Paris.

So, I guess you should stop reading this blog and go pick up a book instead.

Denisovan bling.

Bat Parliaments, Rump Parliaments, Merciless Parliaments, and Just Plain Bad Parliaments.

An English "lady of the horses" in the Middle East.

That time Douglas Fairbanks played a boozing, drug-taking detective.

If this really was Napoleon's last meal, we now know what killed him.

So, if you're a bearded man, you can relax now.  (If you're a bearded woman, well, that's a whole other issue.)

For all of us who enjoy the glories of 17th century names.

If you want to see a letter written in William Burke's blood, well, here's your big chance.

That time devils took over a Swiss town.

New York's last public hangings.

The notorious murder of Lord William Russell.

An explorer goes to Hell.  Really.

Hitler's DJ.

Chatting with dead Martians.

The airship of Charles Abbott Smith.

A particularly weird 17th century matricide.

An Irish Maori chief?!

An Irish Dracula?!?

A night out in Victorian-era Paris.

A dog tea party goes about the way you'd think.

Searching for the real Robin Hood.

Searching for the real Camelot.

Some Georgian and Regency medical cures.

Some early female explorers.

How 14th century "proofs of age" provide a delightful glimpse into the lives of ordinary people.

Catherine Douglas, the "Female Phaeton."

"Dangers Of Prematurely Placing Corpses On Ice." I'm sure I need say no more.

And, finally, I admit that I'm not the biggest fan of tattoos, but how could I resist this one?

A photo posted by Sol Art (@soltattoo) on

And so we close the curtain on yet another WLD. See you all on Monday, when I'll be looking at one of the most bullet-riddled divorce cases on record. In the meantime, let's greet the weekend with Rockpile:


  1. Whee! Thanks for rolling the Museum into the Link Dump!

  2. There can always be something frightening about dense woods at night. I notice many of the haunted New England woods ahem the same stories told about them. And the old urban legend about picking up the hitchhiker who disappears from the car before the destination is reached...

    I agree with you that a night out in 1905 New York would be more exciting than the author seems to think. Most of his criticisms are about the year being 1905, and not about what may be found in 1905. Summer is indeed the off-season but there was still plenty to do.

    And from what I read, being 'blown from the guns' as a form of execution was preferred by mutinous soldiers, as hanging was something they viewed as a punishment for common criminals, not soldiers. Besides, it was faster than strangling at the end of a rope...


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