Friday, February 6, 2015

Weekend Link Dump

It's Friday!

Long live the Cat Queen!

On to the Link Aristocracy:

Where the hell is Miguel de Cervantes buried?  Now we know?

Who the hell was Shakespeare's "Mr. WH?" Now we know?

Why the hell are barns painted red?  Now we know!

Who the hell beheaded D.W. Stoddard?

What the hell are these Colorado ice patterns?

Watch out for the Blue Hole of New Jersey!

Watch out for those sneezing corpses!

Watch out for those deadly mourning clothes!

Watch out for those Death Pantries!

Watch out for the Devil's Backbone!

Watch out for the orange snow!

Watch out for those 18th century dentists!

The death of a globalized Englishman, 1623.

And here is an early 19th century globalized English businesswoman.

Hey, monsters can be saints, too.

An Indian performance troupe falls on hard times in Victorian London.

A classic anecdote from the time of Louis XIV:  The case of the Chocolate Baby.

Sex in the (medieval) city.

Winchester Cathedral opens up.

If you're still harboring doubts that the world is a very weird place, contemplate the fact that the Vatican has a storehouse of fake mummies.

The secret language of beauty spots.

The strange case of the Alabama swamp dolls.

Meet the woman who can't stop dying.

The story of the Great Nome Serum Race.

I need this house.

An attempted murderer didn't care too much for Broadmoor.

Napoleon and the Prince Regent.

A great quote from Alexander Pope.

Not for the squeamish:  The horrifying fate of a Regency elephant.

The mysterious case of the medium and the doctor.

When teleportation just becomes a big nuisance.

How to be a proper Edwardian lover.

18th century doctors behaving badly.

How a hat led to the last hanging at Tyburn.

A curatorial crisis at the Smithsonian?

Hans Holbein, the painter who popularized the Tudors.

How not to strangle a baliff.

A look at the first anti-vaccination movement.

An early New York retirement farm for horses.

The mystery of Ireland's "Vanishing Triangle."

Shorter version:  Medieval scribes were nuts.

Family silver and a scandalous elopement.

"Little people" in 1880s New York.

Why it's rarely a good idea to rent a cottage that has a bunch of old bones in the walls.

Robert E. Lee's descendants are still keeping him hidden.

King Charles I not resting in peace, 1813.

The puzzling tomb of...Akhenaten?

And we're done! See you on Monday, with the tale of a rather unusual return from the dead. For now, here's to getting some of that do-re-mi.


  1. Yay! Thanks for putting me in the list - and I can't wait to work through the rest of these!

  2. That house for cats is glorious!

    As for Napoleon and the Prince Regent... Should Napoleon be surprised at the future George IV's opinions? Napoleon was responsible for more than 15 years of constant warfare across Europe and on the high seas - causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands - he tried to ruin Britain's economy, and, when exiled after his first deposition, attempted to reassert his dominance on the Continent. He should have known that foregiveness goes only so far in affairs of state.


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