Friday, November 29, 2013

Weekend Link Dump

Strange company regrets to say they have never gone where fashion sits, puttin' on the ritz.

The cats, on the other hand...

What the hell goes on in Cherokee, California?  [A footnote.  This happens to be near the town where I was born.  Yes, this just may explain a lot.]

What the hell landed in Long Island?

What the hell is Cicada 3301?  Perhaps even more importantly, why the hell is Cicada 3301?

What the hell is floating around Newfoundland?

What the hell is sinking Bosnia?

What the hell exploded in Montreal?

What the hell was shining on the Moon?

Who the hell murdered poor Rose Ambler?

When the hell was the Great Pyramid built?

Ghost cats on the march!

Devil cats on the march!

Behold, the Troll-haired Mystery Bug.

The sad thing is, this probably still looks a lot better than the typical modern-day variety.

So, you thought "A Rose For Emily" was fiction?

Out: "It's Raining Men."  In:  "It's Raining Cows!"

Stepping into dead men's shoes.  In every sense.

I've read Poe.  I've read Lovecraft.  I've read Bloch.  I know this isn't going to end at all well.

In which James Wannerton gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "eat your words."

I've seen Hell, and it's in Singapore.  Really.

Exploring the deepest--and probably strangest--lake on earth.

A good example of why ghost-hunting and abject stupidity make a bad combination.

Another in our continuing series of "Science just ain't so scientific" articles.  Incidentally, I think comment #11 to this column pretty much nails it.

And here's another one where orthodox science takes it on the chin.

Perhaps it's not surprising to learn that demons are among us.  What is a bit of a shock is that they happen to be the Danish Royal Family.

How Poe serves as an inspiration to oceanographers.

Why the "Mary Celeste" teaches us to never, but never, mock the Mummy.

Speaking of that most famous of sea mysteries...Did researchers come up with a solution to the riddle in 2006?

And there's our roundup for this week.  See you on Monday, when I'll look at an unsolved killing from early 20th century Scotland.

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