Friday, November 1, 2013

Weekend Link Dump

This week, strange company has been working undercover.

So have the cats.

Here's the Friday Linkapalooza.  Discuss amongst yourselves.

Who the hell was George Psalmanazar?

What the hell is the Newport Tower?

What the hell are Ouija Boards?

What the hell crashed in Chile?

What the hell is running around Tunbridge Wells?

What the hell is running around Quebec?

What the hell is running around Iceland? Personally, I don't care, as long as it's not a pair of Necropants.

Watch out for those demonic dolls!

Watch out for those demonic manors!

Watch out for those demonic dogs!

Watch out for those probably-demonic neighbors!

Watch out for those demonic B & Bs!

Watch out for those demonic libraries!

Take a stroll through 17th century London.

The mystery of Wales' Red Dress Manor.

A literary hoax worthy of Poe.

A roundup of all our favorite humanoids, right here.  I"ll take "giant orange shrimps in the laundry room" for $500, Alex!

You must admit, this would explain a whole lot.

Out:  Magic Bullet Theory.  In:  Magic Saucer Theory!

Why do we love the Mummy's Curse?  Do they really have to ask?

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe what we have here is the Darwin Awards Hall of Fame.

The greatest literary conspiracy theories.  Incidentally, I've read the Lewis-Carroll-as-Jack-the-Ripper book, and you may not believe this, but it's even battier than it sounds.

It may be the day after Halloween, but if you think I was going to ignore a blog post with "Zombie Stalin" in the title...

Carl Jung visits a haunted house.

Tweet/photo of the week:  For me, this epitaph summarizes the basic tragedy of Life:

Well, that's a wrap for this week.  I'll be back on Monday, with the tale of a mysterious veiled "Countess" lurking around early 19th century Germany.


  1. I love the photo...because it's true. And I do LOVE me some good Darwin awards!


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