Friday, October 11, 2013

Weekend Link Dump

This week, strange company is letting the Saints go marching in.

This week's quest for the questionable:

What the hell happened in 5th century Sweden?

What the hell fell from the skies in 19th century Chatham County?

What the hell happened on the 12th century Moon?

What the hell happened to this 17th century king's head?  Or this 18th century king's DNA?

What the hell is flying over 21st century Santiago, Chile?

What the hell is this book?

The mystery of the first terrorist attack on a passenger plane.

The serial killer and the skeleton articulator: how a myth is born.

The kind of thing that happens when you annoy Peter the Great.  Corpses will be strewn!

A salute to the Henpecked Husband!

Achieving Nirvana:  It's all down to zero.

What a way to go:  The remarkable miniature "coffin" of Captain Cook.

King Tut--rather inevitably--goes the Walt Disney route.

This obscure fiction was written by Poe.  The question is, which Poe? [Note:  For what it's worth, I just don't buy the "Edgar wrote Henry's stories" theory.  The fiction in question doesn't strike me as Edgar's "voice" at all.]

A tour of London, circa 1820. Visit the Exhibitions!  Stroll through Hyde Park!  Meet the King!  Explore the Pleasure Gardens!  Get your pocket picked!  Fall into the Thames!

Gavin Dunbar, Archbishop of Glasgow:  My kind of guy.

Demons invade a school.  This is news to them?

Oh, by the way, the demons have already taken over Thomas Edison's dolls.

The moral of this post:  If the doppelgangers don't get you, the rats, cats, ganders, frogs and moo-cows will.

I now know what brought down Imperial Russia.  It was the postcards.

What's the one thing better than a lighthouse?  A haunted lighthouse, of course!

Highways to Hell.

Get out those Necropants and party like it's a wretched, demon-haunted 17th century Iceland!  Woo-hoo!

Let me kick off the weekend with a special treat for you, my loyal readers:  A short film that will give you hideous nightmares for the rest of your wretched, demon-haunted days.  You're very welcome:

See you all on Monday, when I explore a peculiar death from 1913 that is literally out of the pages of Charles Fort.


  1. The necropants did my head in. I'm going to go take about six showers and douse myself in holy water...

    1. That's my blog: Home of the Necropants.

      My mother is so proud of me.

  2. Well I love, love, love that Saint. He looks a little like mine :)

    1. He's my mother's dog. I "borrowed" him for this post. :)

  3. I read with interest about the first 'terrorist' attack on an airplane. What's just as interesting as the mystery is the insistence on calling any attack that hurts the public a terrorist attack. Terrorism must involve the use of terror/fear as a weapon. If there is no goal cited, or no responsibility claimed, it can hardly be terrorism. The act itself can inspire fear but it needs to be used as a tool to be terrorism. The fact that no one ever claimed to have perpetrated the act suggests a more traditional crime, a murderous assault on a passenger, a crew member, the aircraft company, any of which could have been for revenge, gain or, psychotically, for no reason. A very intriguing story.

    I love the mysteries you come up with on this site.


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