Friday, April 12, 2013

Weekend Link Dump

Strange company is still hangin' in there.

Right along with the cats.

Tattooed Love Girls, Victorian Style.

In the 18th century, Thomas Day set out to create the perfect wife.  It worked out about as well as you'd think.

And as for the perfect husband, he turns out to be a ghost.

A duel between a Princess and a Countess.  A half-naked duel between a Princess and a Countess.  A half-naked duel between a Princess and a Countess that arose over floral arrangements.

Kind of thing that happens every day.

Who really murdered Sarah Meservey?  A still-unsettled question from 1877.

Jumping Juliana; Or, Fun With Normans.

From the British Library's Cold Case File:  Two brothers die very odd deaths in the late 19th century.

Was Pablo Neruda murdered?

Horse racing in 12th century London.  I think "full of juice" meant something different in those days than it does now...

No better way to start the weekend than with a few medieval vampire burials.

The double world of Orrill Stapp:  An intriguing manuscript hidden in the Seattle Public Library.

Archaeologists have found something very big and very odd in the Sea of Galilee.  And they want to open it up.

I think every H. P. Lovecraft story in existence started this way.

Murder chic, from the Edwardian Era.

A truly Hellish museum.

And, finally, my favorite current-events story of the week: French President Gets New Camel to Replace One Eaten.  Or, as the folks at Ikea would say, "Soup's on!"

Enjoy your weekend, gang.  I'll be back Monday to discuss the very mysterious fate of one of my top History Crushes, James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell.


  1. That's it, I can't possibly go to work, I simply must stay here and read all these : ) (I wish. I'll be back though)

    1. What better way to start your weekend than with naked lady duelists?


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